Write your business origin story to clarify your elevator pitch, find the hidden gold in your message, and understand your core values more deeply.

Telling your business origin story helps bring to life the quieter parts of who you were when you started and who you are now.

Sabriga Turgon
2 min readSep 18, 2021
Photo by Bruno Kelzer on Unsplash

I’ve never done a storytelling workshop until this week when I started Story Skills for Small Biz with Taji Torrilhon.

It’s already surprised me:

“When someone asks you what you do, tell them what you love.” People who want to know about you don’t care about your resume. But they do care about your authenticity.

“You can be vulnerable without sharing everything.” I can? Whew. I’m an introvert and my comfort zone was just about break out in blisters until this reassuring statement saved the day.

“When people buy your product/service, you become part of their story.” My favorite aha! of the week. My ghostwriting work with each client is long-term and intimate—that’s the reason I love my job. Now I appreciate even more deeply what our bond means.

“Storytelling requires self-compassion, curiosity, and self-awareness. If self-compassion sounds out of reach, lean in with



Sabriga Turgon

People lover & realistic optimist who encourages goodness in all things. Ghostwriter Global—let’s get that book out of your head & onto paper.